Mon 27 Jan
@~~ Enough Behind To go Around~~ Call me now! 8_3>_2 701-8983 - 22
(Houston, 45 S. beltway / near beltway 8)
☆★ Certified Super Freak on DECK ;) ☆★ ⇨ ♡※ M$.Pinky ※♡ Day & Night Specials Freaky Thick RedHeadツ - 23
(Little Rock, Conway, Maumelle)
~~~~~ ~~~~~~ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$ Ebony Goddess The Ultimate Experince~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$ - 22
(North Houston/1960 Area)
Enjoy the touches of the most exotic WOMAN in HOUSTON . . . ( ( After Work Specials ) ) - 23
¥€¥€ Chocolate Beauty €¥€¥ Sweet~ Sassy~Fun ¥€¥¥ Outcalls & incalls Only €¥¥¥ 60- 80-120 - 21
(Little Rock, nlr lr sherwood)
Bragging Rights with 2 NEW Pretty Young Things (Be our First Ever) - 18
(Bronx, Bx, Manhattan, Some Westchester/Queens)
BrAnD NeW NiCe FaTT BuBBlE BooTy & 34DD ** GuYaNeSe & JaMaiCAn ** - 19
EnerGetiC PlaYfuL eXotic MixeD Beauty. SPECIALS FOR You..Available NOW... ** 8O iN-callS - 22
(Houston, HIGHWAY 6 & I-10)
sexy tattooed curvy Playmate.... In/out calls IN ANTIOCH cutie "CLICK HERE" - 27
★ CONWAY incall only ! $80 Special ! ★ AVAiL in Conway! - 32
(Little Rock, conway incall -$80 Special)
Come Get With A Winner ! The Real Deal NO fAKE pICS hERE !!! bIG bOOTY SuperFreak I'm Bacck - 25
(Little Rock, in/out)
$exii Arabian 100% Real 100% Satifaction Relaxe *NO RUSH* - 19
(Bronx, Weschester, Bx & Manhattan Outcalls, ..i)
______ E L I T E ______ **** S I C I L I A N ***** _____ P R I N C E SS _____ Back in Town ****** - 22
(The Galleria area)
~~~~~~ Electrifying ..... Asian Ladies ........ Hot and Gorgeous ..... @ Yellow Rose Spa ~~~~~ - 28
(Houston, I-45 South near Hobby Airport)
(((( Caseys special !! Today & Tonight******* Only!!!!!! ******100hr near Pine Bluff!)))))) - 36
(Little Rock, in/out Pine Bluff/Travel to you)
Sexy Stimulating & Exotic Mixed Ebony Girl Next Door 💗Let Me Please You 💎 - 19
(North Bay, Fairfield Ca)
*___ _ __. BRAZILIAN . _ _. ...LATINA. KAYLA AND ROSALY....TODAY COLO M BIANA .._L A T I N A _ ___ ____. _COLOMBIANA_ _ _ - 25
(Bronx, Fairfield, New Rochelle..Westchester or Stamford,, Other, Westchester)
Bounce 60Pretty Fat 80Ass! Sweet Chocolate Sexy Asss★ Call Me So I Can Make it Juicy4U ★ Chocolate Exotic - 22
(Bronx, (INCALLS) 208 st Jerome ave)
EnerGetiC PlaYfuL eXotic Beauty. SPECIALS FOR You..Available NOW... * 8O * KiSsEs - 22
******Ebony Playmate*******Miss DeDe $$$$ CALL NOW 50$ Specials 50$ Specials - 50
(45@ Richey rd. North frwy., City of Houston, Houston)
🌟 Early Morning Specials 🌟•THiCK •N• SeXY ☆ VoLuPTuoUs PRiNcEsS •☆• GoOD GiRL ☆ GoNe BaD BIG BOOTY - 25
(Bronx, Incalls)
*** Catch Me Before I Leave *** Friday Specials ALl Day * Gorgeous * Playful * 100% Real - 33
(where you want to be)
§ E x O t I C C u T i E T i G h T J u I c Y & R e A d y T o G o § - 27
(290 area/Outcall Houston)
Dominican Mami Kelly Bunnz ••••► █▓█ ❋50 ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛ ❋ █▓█ ♥))Tu Juguete Mas Deseado((♥█▓█ ◄•••• 24HRS - 23
(Bronx, Book for the day sorry guys !!!)
♥ ♡ { Certified Super Freak on Duty } ♥ ♡ ⇨ ⇨ Thick, Freaky & Always Ready ↘* M$.Pinky * ↘ツ - 23
(Little Rock, West Little Rock)
💓💓 Best Out💓💓 Badd Mixed Dime ! Si Hablo Espanol!!👌 Incall Only - 22 - 22
Dynamite $60 Sk ills===((((SWEE T * SEXY * EXOT IC * EBONY * PL AYGIRL))))===Dy namite $60 Skil ls - 26
(Houston, +45/North@Beltway=8+Incalls&Outcalls;)
** Best deals in town mia!!!** ,60,80,100 Outcalls !!!! Mia baby. Enjoy Me up all night - 21
(Little Rock, lr, wlr, nlr, surrounding areas)
⏬DoMiNiCaN♦🇹🇭🇮🇨🇰⇉ with SeXy LIPS a ₮🇮🇬🇭₮ ↹🇬🇷🇮🇵↹& Big NATURAL T!T§ ⇓⏬ Special $50 - 20
(Bronx, Bronx| Private Location)
😇😇☆☆☆☆☆°early morning 😇😇°☆☆☆☆☆👅💋👅special 👅💋👅before 11am💲💲🎀🎀📲📲📞📞 - 25
(Houston, Missouri City, Missouri City, SW Houston)
**~*AVAILABLE NOW!!!!❤❤❤ ****👄👄Your Exotic Mixed Laotian Treat*~**💋💋💋70 SPC!!!🍒🍒🍒 - 20
(Little Rock, Little Rock i630)
50 special ★— K¡ÑKŸ —★— P€R§ONABL€ —★— SK¡LLED —★— Ebony BEAUTY 50 special - 25
(Little Rock, incall only nourth little rock)
BoricuaWhiteMixed All Night Classy Sexy Freaky And Ready - 20
(Little Rock, Little Rock Incall/Outcall)
✨✨✨ Beautiful Chocolate Ebony ✨✨✨ One of a kind 👅💋👅 Let's meet (Mia) incalls! - 25
(Conway, Little Rock)
Dont Miss This"* Oppertunity To Be With The Best!! NEW AND SO SWEET $80 HH INCALLS - 32
(45 South /All Over Houston)
😍💕😏 Birthdayyyy Girl . Be 5'2 Brownskin Tatted Dancer😍 Looking To Fullfill Your Every Fantacy 🍒 🔥😍💯❤ - 21
💕BIGB0oTY💋😍Cherrie Luv👌#1 FACE SITTER🍑 💋💞~!! LIMITED TIME 💗 - 21
(ALL OUTCALLS.., Bronx, Fairfield, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
BEAUTY: »-(¯`v´¯)- »T H E»-(¯`v´¯)-» T O T A L »-(¯`v´¯)-» P A C K A G E - 22
(markham & shackleford)